How to Use Field Upgrades in Call of Duty

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Field Upgrades are special feature in Call of Duty that have the ability to flip the tide of fight. There’s a bunch of these tools which include equipment, gadgets or buffs that can be activated during a match. Do you know you can easily buy COD points cheap from online stores? Let’s see how to use these for your advantage in the battlefield. 

What Are Field Upgrades?

Field Upgrades are special abilities or tools that players can deploy during a match. This is different from killstreaks or scorestreaks as it charges over time. This allows players to use them regardless of their performance in the match. This makes them an accessible and strategic element for all players. 

Popular Field Upgrades and How to Use Them

Once you have unlocked all the Field Upgrades let’s see how to use them effectively. Here are some of the most popular Field Upgrades:

1. Trophy System:

   -What It Does: The Trophy System is a defensive Field Upgrade that destroys incoming explosives, such as grenades and rockets.

   -How to Use It: Use the Trophy System in the areas where you expect heavy enemy activity. This could areas near objectives or in high-traffic zones. It’s particularly useful in game modes like Domination or Hardpoint, where controlling a specific area is crucial.

2. Dead Silence:

   -What It Does: Dead Silence temporarily silences your footsteps, making you harder to detect.

   -How to Use It: Activate Dead Silence when flanking enemies or moving through tight spaces where sound can give away your position. It’s especially effective in Search and Destroy or when playing a stealthy playstyle. 

3. Munitions Box:

   -What It Does: The Munitions Box is used to refill ammo and equipment for everyone.

   – How to Use It: Place it in a safe spot where you and your teammates can use it. It’s used during long fights or when holding an area to get lots of ammo. If you haven’t unlocked this yet then you should consider buying a Call of Duty account for sale.

4. EMP Drone:

   -What It Does: The EMP Drone disables enemy electronics and equipment within its range.

   -How to Use It: Deploy the EMP Drone to disrupt enemy defenses, such as Trophy Systems, Mines, or even vehicles. This is particularly useful when trying to push an objective or counter enemy strategy that rely heavily on equipment.

5. Deployable Cover:

   -What It Does: Deployable Cover provides instant cover for you and your teammates. It creates a barrier between you and the enemy.

   -How to Use It: Use Deployable Cover in open areas or when you need to hold a position without much natural cover. It’s great for creating a temporary defensive position in a pinch or blocking enemy sightlines.

Maximizing Field Upgrade Efficiency

To make the most out of your Field Upgrades, consider these additional tips:

  1. Timing Is Key: Don’t waste your Field Upgrade by using it at the wrong time. For example, deploying a Trophy System too early might mean it’s not available when you really need it. Wait for the right moment to maximize its effectiveness.
  1. Know When to Hold Off: In some cases, it might be better to save your Field Upgrade for later in the match. For example, holding onto Dead Silence until you’re sure you can make a critical play can be the difference between winning and losing a round.
  1. Coordinate with Your Team: Communication is crucial in Call of Duty. Always communicate to your teammates when you’re deploying a Field Upgrade that can benefit them, like a Munitions Box or Deployable Cover. Coordinating your upgrades can give your team a significant tactical advantage.
  1. Adapt to the Situation: Be flexible with your Field Upgrades. If you’re playing aggressively, Dead Silence or a Trophy System might be more useful. If you’re defending an objective, Munitions Box or Deployable Cover might be the better choice.

Summarizing the Guide:

Field Upgrades are pretty powerful tools that can be used in a match. They can totally flip the pacing of a match or provide help to your team. The right field upgrades can help a lot for achieving success. It’s all about knowing their uses. So, try out different upgrades and learn their strengths for increasing the chances of winning.

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